Monday 21 January 2008

suvival guide

admit it.
life is difficult.
it can be too hard on you

it sometimes throws you off the side of a cliff straight into the harsh-cold-raging waters
that will smash you on to the rocks.

my top 5 survival guide tips.

(please don't quote me on anything, or blame me for whatever)

5. Choose the people you surround yourself with.

Relationships can be complicated,

whether it be with relatives,

friends -
or even the ones with the opposite sex.

it takes effort to maintain relationships

you go out of your way

you act nice
you even change things

so, it better be worth it.

and if it does you more harm than good,

why bother?

just walk away.

don't let people pull you down

don't let anyone (peers, lovers,bystanders) mistreat you in any way

in life, loving yourself is the first rule

because if you don't

you really can't expect others to do it for you.

i'm not saying you should be selfish or self-involved.

just try to be wise in dealing with people around you

it's great to be kind

but allowing yourself to be abused,

now. that. is. stupidity.

4. Take time to smell the flowers.

take time to feel the wind blow your hair all over your face

take time for a walk even on your own.

LITTLE things matter BIG.

the cliche, 'the best things in life are free'...
well, there's truth to it, you know

insisting on things that just isn't there will just keep you miserable longer

instead, try to focus on things that ARE already there

even the tiniest details that we ignore

make a big difference when we start taking notice.

3. Be a toughie.

be a tough nut to crack.

or at least, act in a pretentious nonchalance

or act cunningly confident

because when you act weak, you get taken advantaged of

when you act like a softie,

people start walking all over you

don't think for a bit that people would take pity on you

nobody likes a cry-baby

everybody tries to get rid of a clinger

people will see you as their equal if you SHOW them that you are

i don't know about you but i'd rather be feared than be bullied.

one wise guy said (actually its George from Grey's Anatomy):

'show no weakness and you'll go straight to the top'.

(or something like that)

2. Decide to be happy.

the old adage that says, 'happiness is a choice', is true.

it is indeed subjective and relative.

don't let the little things bother you

coz' you cannot control everything

but you can definitely control how you react to things

inordinate happiness is a good thing (watch Robbie Williams' movie 'Patch Adams')

even if there seem to be no reason to be happy about

i think this is one of the hardest things to do

because it requires a certain maturity

and strength of willpower

but it's also the simplest solution

just. be. happy.

don't let life get the best of you

instead, get the best out of life.

1. Count your blessings.

(I do this almost every time i ride a bus now.

because it keeps my sanity intact)

you never know just how blessed you are unless you start counting

even in your darkest moments

try hard and just start counting

you'll be surprised.

Pray HARD.

thank God for these blessings.

you'll never know what hit you.


these are just my opinions

but it wont hurt you to try

i came up with these because my life has never been this challenging before

i've never had to experience too many new things in such a short span of time

and i've never had to make these much adjustments until now

i admit that i'm terrified pretty much all day everyday

there are lots of times that i don't even know what i'm doing or where i'm going

but i no longer bother to complain

because i think all these will be worth it in the end

i believe these all will make me a better person.

it's all in perspective you see.

it's a decision you make to survive.

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