Wednesday 2 January 2008

first things first

It is indeed the very first day of the year, but sometimes i feel new year's day is just a tad overrated. i mean, it could be just me... but seriously nothing really stops on the 31st day of December. So why do people make resolutions and go into hiatus in making sure the celebration is special? Or is this just culture thing?

Or is this just ultimately me, growing really old? (and cynical?)

It's just a thought really. I just feel that everything carries over to the next year anyway, unless... we decide that it will not so.

we still carry on doing the same old job,
we still watch the same TV shows,
we still listen to the same music that came out in November...
(in some people's cases they'd still be dating the same person, or still married to the same person)

wouldn't it be surreal if new year does bring forth changes on the very first day?

imagine waking up on January 1 of 2009 knowing that you will be starting a new job... listening to entirely new songs on the way to that job...
and when you come home it's actually a new house;
TV shows will also be new and you have a new partner to go home to as well...

oooohhh...scary isn't it?

i think what i ultimately want to say is, i wish the need to celebrate the new year every year wouldn't be such a big deal, because in reality, it stresses me out -- in a really profound way. and it would be nice not to worry about celebrating. now, THAT, will ultimately give me something new to celebrate about.

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