Thursday 3 January 2008

a bit of tantrum

annoying things
- for sake of argument (with myself, that is) i'm doing the top 5 things that can annoy me (or maybe you) on any given day

5. missing a show you've been waiting to see - really.
i remember that i was waiting to watch 'Four Weddings and A Funeral' and i connived with my sister mavic to wait for it...only to fall asleep before it was shown. (it was a month ago around 11:45 pm) still haven't seen the film now.

4. sudden change of plans - of course.
- although changing of plans happens a lot. it could be really frustrating especially if you had prepared a lot for it or u were actually looking forward to it. can't give an example though 'coz there's way too much.

3. missing your bus.. like when u were running in the rain to catch it (without hood or umbrella) and the temperature is freezing and you're drenched and really, really, cold and you get to your stop and the bus just left. seriously. seriously!

2. waiting for someone. you arrive first. you start to wait. 15 minutes later - still no sign. no text. enough said.
(*to anybody reading this.. its rude to make someone wait without giving them any holler whatsoever.)

for the top spot... 1. having a bad hair day. funny you may think. then wait until your next one. :)

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