Friday 27 August 2010

Cheerios Mate-y!

It's just gone past 11 tonight and I am sleepy and tired. But sleep is the last thing on my mind...i'll be leaving England in the morning and there's just too many things to think about. Especially because I don't know for sure when I would be coming back - months? years? who knows anymore?

I'm passing through another crossroad in my life and as much as I've known this day was gonna come for a while, and as much as I've emotionally prepared myself, I can't help but feel totally, and unequivocally, heart broken. I will miss everything and everyone and perhaps it's best to not elaborate on that. But yes, I am crying inside. I never meant to live here for good. But I had wanted to stay longer, and I had meant to leave on my own terms - especially since my parents and sister are staying here for a while. Realistically, it will always be a priority for me to come visit here, or grab any future opportunity that will bring me back here. However, who knows where life would lead me from here on?

My thoughts are a mess, my emotions are no better...I hope my few days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will help break my fall, clear my thoughts and get me on the other end of this turmoil. I wanna find my mojo again so to speak. I want to hit the ground running when I get to Manila. I need to find a job whether locally or outside again - as long as I find a really good opportunity, I'd be happy to go. I have personal goals - both simple and extravagant - and I really, really wish for these goals to be realised. But obviously, I need a proper income, a direction in life, a stable career.

Well, let's see, to help lighten my mood tonight allow me to put in writing a couple of these said goals:

1 - Celebrate my 30th birthday in 2011 in Japan
2 - Come back to England for the 2012 Olympics

So as you can see these are just my two most "high-end" goals...I call them goal because I fully intend on achieving them. So how do I do that? I need to earn good, stable money...and I have to do it fast. you ask me, what if I need to chose between the two because I can't have both? Simple answer. I choose the Olympics - that being a event of 4 year intervals. I can always plan on Japan afterwards again, right?

Anyways, I wish good opportunities would open up for me. Because I really, really hope to apply all my new learnings now. I pray to heavens for guidance and strength cause I know that I've got my work cut out for me.

For now, I bid you farewell mate-y, >>>England, UK, Europe... cheerios!!!
Hope I'd be back before you know it! (or faster than you can utter goodbye!)
(By the way, I fully intend to follow your football so give me some real good matches, ayt?!)

And, I come! ^_^

First stop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Let's do this!

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