Wednesday 31 December 2008

looking back and looking forward

It has been the same every time the end of a year comes around, it somehow forces me to look back to what I had done as well as makes me anxious to what is yet to come. I've always been fond of countdowns - don't ask me why. And for this post I would do two - the Top 5 of my life changing events for 2008 and the Top 5 things that I will do for 2009.

2008 - my life's Top 5

#5. My first ever visit to London
A big girl in a big city, it was an experience to remember. Now that I live 20 minutes away, I can go and visit any time I want - and I am now more confident to tackle the underground and the crowd. However, I will never forget the very first time.

#4. Our BIG move to Kent
With all the difficulty that this brought me, and the humbling experiences that I endured that came with it, it definitely made me a better person. It was so hard that I don't even want to move ever again! Although I have fallen in love with Sevenoaks from when I first set foot here - living here is just absolutely amazing. I've never lived in the high end villages in Manila so I never expected nor even dreamt of actually living in one of UK's poshest towns. Mum's always saying that its soooo expensive here. And she's right, but I truly love the charm of the town. I enjoy living right at the High Street on top of a boutique. I enjoy sitting by our kitchen window and watch the robins. Oh, and the chipmunks busily gathering acorns ever so passionately as the autumn leaves fall and gather on the ground.

#3. Starting on a New Job - Twice this year
I've always enjoyed job searching, it always felt like finding the gold pin in a haysack. It always makes me feel efficient and organised somehow. Starting a new job can be an out of this world experience. Because I never know what to expect, I always feel a sense of forboding and anxiety. Although its good anxiety, coupled with excitement and glee. I've been blessed with 2 really meaningful jobs this year. I learned that working with charity may be something that I would like to do for the rest of my life.

#2. Accomplishing my Master's Certificate
No need to explain, although I decided not to pursue the diploma level of my masters, I feel that this is always going to be an open pathway for me, something that I can always choose to take if I ever face a crossroad in the future. I'll always see myself as an eager student, I love to learn. I know, when the right time comes I will walk around a campus again with books and research works in tow.

#1. Post Grad Visa
Gosh! The building of anxiety or whether or not I will be approved had been withering and exhausting. It led me to explore and pursue other possibilities such as coming and living in other countries. Come to think of it I was offered an English teaching job both in China and Siberia - can you believe it? I also was shortlisted for an interview in Maersk a global company based in Denmark!!! Although, in the end I guess it's fate that I stay in the UK - these things made me realise that the world really is my oyster if I choose it to be. Despite all the hardships in life and all the fears of devastation in this earth great things can be found when we search for it.

2008 had been a very fruitful year for me indeed, I feel that my perspective and outlook has changed. The top 5 life changing events that I've chosen was based on the impact that it made on my life and it's long term effect. Now that I am reminiscing on each experience, I realise that the hardships I encountered is commensurate to it's end result's impact on me in the end. I guess it's true that difficulty is all part of the chase. As chasing something gives me a sense of purpose and motivation. Having something to work tirelessly on, to hope for and to patiently wait for is the core of life. Without them, I'll definitely be lost.

I am very excited for the year 2009, despite the scare of recession and general feeling of depression throughout the world - I feel very positive about it. I feel that 2009 will be even better that 2008 had been for me. And since I've never really believed in new year's resolutions - because they end up being forgotten by me anyway, I find it better to start the year being organised and well planned. I have a lot of plans and hopes for this coming year. So here they are, the Top 5 things I would definitely aim to do this 2009.

2009 - My top TO DO list

#5. By the end of 2009 I should have at least £3000 in savings.
I'm setting my target amount to what I think is reasonable considering my other plans. The main point is that I do intend to save - contrary to what many people see me as (my parents at the forefront). It's true that I can be a shopaholic and a spending whim that happens all to often but I also know the importance of saving. Not for the things I want to spend on like travel and designer brands, but you know, saving for the sake of saving. I think that since I'm not getting any younger not is a good a time as any to commence on my lifesavings.

#4. I will celebrate my 1st year anniversary in my current job.
I've become a butterfly of sorts in my professional life - I've hopped from job to job without intending to. I've thought way back when I was younger that when I do start to work it would be with the same company and in the same profession for the entirety of my working life. Boy, was I ever wrong!
As much as I love job hunting, and all the excitement and hoorah of starting a new job and meeting new people each time, I've come to a point in my life wherein I would very much appreciate stability and a bit of certainty. I know, I know, nothing in life will ever be certain. But, I would really like to stay in my job long enough for me to actually see my hard work paying off, for my efforts to actually make a difference. And although a lot of forces in this world are out of my control, I will do everything in my power to stay in my current profession.

#3.Visit Theresa in DUBAI
This is one of those that I referred to in #5. Travel is expensive but this is something I hope to do in my life. To travel to as many places as possible - at least once for each one. The world has so many things to boast, it's beauty is so varied and diverse it would be a great shame not to see a bit of its wonderful places.
Aside from the obvious reason that I would really like to see my best friend who I haven't seen in ages, I would also like to know if there are future opportunities here. I am planning my visit by the end of Spring 2009. Perhaps April or May. And I really am so excited. I can't wait!

#2. See the view from the top of Eiffel Tower.
I've read about Paris from the romance novels I read tirelessly as a teen. And since I set foot in the UK I have felt the inclination to visit the capital of France. Being here made me feel that anything is possible. My co-workers before would tell me that all is possible if I'm determined enough - I believe them, and I am! I would be thrilled to see this happen. And I would really, really do what it takes to make this a reality.

#1. I will help Hydz come visit.
My parent's second daughter had finally voiced interest to see what it's like here. And I will support her all the way. Although this TO DO is not up to me entirely, as she can still change her mind, I just feel that whatever assistance I can offer to make this happen if she indeed wants to, I would definitely do. I would really like to have my sister here so she can see first hand what it's like to be here. It will be a life changing experience for her I'm sure.

In addition to these, being the shopaholic that I am, I decided to do a top 5 of things I would like to invest on. They aren't actually part of to do, because some of them (or maybe all of them, come to that!) may be just wishful thinking but I would love to be able to buy my top 5 most coveted items for 2009. Oh...these are in no particular order. To me they are all in one level of wanting... (wink, wink)

* new cellphone - a toss between an 8mp camera phone with touch screen Samsung and the reliability of Sony Ericsson 8mp slide unit.

* an LV luggage or city bag

* a laptop

* a nice watch

* jewelry set

haha! again....this is just a wishlist. Ain't I very wishful and aiming really high for 2009? like I've said, I have a really positive feeling about 2009. I have real high hopes and am uber excited!!!

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