Sunday 20 September 2009

28 going on???

Im like 8 weeks into my life's 28th year and try as I may, I cannot marry some thoughts I had when I was young - I thought that by 28 years old I'd be settled down with a husband and child or at least on the verge of doing so. Instead, I am as far away from it as one can imagine. No, don't get me wrong as I'm not complaining because what makes me really far from that is me and myself alone. I think I am undergoing a 'repellant' stage when it comes to "couple-dom". Seriously, if someone had told me when I was a teenager that one day I would just pooof, lose interest in the whole idea altogether, I would just say 'get out!' I haven't exactly sworn it off for life, I still massively enjoy rom-coms (in all its forms - books, tv, movies, music etc) and I applaud real people who have found it and stuck to it. It makes me happy to have heard a successful love story because it gives me something to hold on to - that these things, they come around. It's just that at this very moment, i'm not ready for it.

I consider this phase I am currently at to be very challenging - trying to find my way in a foreign place and trying to make out what to do next it's really daunting to say the least. I have lost my job just before I turned 28, and although a part of me had already accepted that there's a bigger chance of leaving UK by the end of my current residence permit, I still need to try to make ends meet while I'm here. Besides, I figured, if my numbers here are numbered I wouldn't fancy spending it holed up in my bedroom - I would want to make a blast and just experience everything!!!

I have a lot of decisions to make because I have a number of choices available to consider (as discussed in this blog earlier) but really, I look at myself and I still see the old me, the one who graduated from college, the girl who endured the whole graveyard lifestyle because it was no less than fab and fun, the girl who had nursed the longest most pathetic infatuation in AB Legal Management history. Ok, I am doing a random thing here so just humour me and go along with it. Because, baby, this is me:

- I am the only person I know who's escalator-phobic -- i don't even know the correct medical term and as much as I hang out in malls like a second home, escalators baffle me and freak me out, less now than before but still is

- I heart Michael Phelps, Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick, & Neil Patrick Harris for very different reasons

- Ima pop culture victim

-I would love to be Leighton Meester, Blake Lively, Cheryl Cole or Anne Curtis

- I am a loyalist - very loyal to authors (if I like their writing style I get all their books), brands, etc

- Apparently I cannot hold down a job because I still haven't found my passion (but I am working on it - I swear)

- I have zero interest in politics but I worry about my country's future

- I believe that laughter is the best medicine

- I enjoy watching Hannah Montana & How I Met Your Mother amongst others

- I haven't had a facial for 2 years now

- My faith is important to me

- I've tried joining a dating site but got nothing much off it (it was actually very off-putting)

- I resent some of my wrong turns but would not want to go back to try to change it. I appreciate I had reasons for why I did things a certain way or why I chose one over the other option and looking back, I am glad that I learned from my mistakes

- Im undecided about things like love at first sight, serendipity and destiny

- I hope to visit as many places as I can during my lifetime

- I want to live in a place other than my birth country during my working years

- I miss having my friends around. As much as I value being with my family (my mum especially) it feels odd not having my friends around - it still kinda feels lonely despite my efforts

- I like to sing, but I'm not sure I'd have the guts to do it in front of people again like in the karaoke bar

- I don't drink beer anymore, there's been very few temptation and it's very easy to stop because it tastes shit. I have the occassional glass of wine and that's it.

- I am working on my patience & positive re-inforcement

- I've gained a LOT of weight but I don't really care so much right now

- I'd like to have more control over my diet but I find that it's really hard to do when you're still living with your parents and you aren't earning enough

- I dress comfortably

- I hate clutter

- I try to stay away from drama now

- I can be a loner

- I am a chocolate addict and can live on comfort food and junk food for weeks

- I don't think I can survive anymore without a good internet connection and a trusty laptop

- I'd like a blackberry & and LV bag for Christmas (the bag is like 2 years running now, almost bought it last year but thought the better of it)

- I'm a seasonal insomniac - it attacks when I least want it to

- I have autumn hay fever attacks which can be severe

- My favourite season is Spring

- My recent Christmasses had been quite sad especially the last two - I used to adore Christmasses while I was younger

- I have been dealing with gastric ulcer since I was 2nd year HS

- I've had my first minor surgery just this year - It was horrible and I hope I never ever get this grey's anatomy moment again

- A dog person

- I like babies but is terrified to hold them as they are soooo fragile

- I don't think I'm very good with children

- I used to be very friendly and warm but I think I've gone lukewarm or tepid

- I've turned really jaded and I no longer trust people as easily as before

- I think I'm inconspicuous

- I used to dislike my birthdays until Paris 2009

- I have a short attention span, I can easily distract myself

- I enjoy multi-tasking

- I am a homebody

- I like living in busy cities

- I can be obsessive-compulsive or just simply obsessive

- I am career orientated

- I'd like a comfortable and prosperous life for my family

Oh, and I need to be heading to bed now. =)